She woke up to his fingers gently caressing her back... Gliding from the back of her neck all the way down her spine to back again. From what she had gathered, it was early in the morning. She felt tired but she knew that she had to get up. She turned around and faced him. He opened his eyes and smiled a sleepy smile. She leaned in and they kissed.
Soon after she got out of bed, looked around the messy room while he lay straight on his back with his eyes closed. She tied her hair up in a messy bun and started gathering her things....
Socks laying by the door, camera on his desk, a lipstick on the dresser, her perfume lying next to his deodrant, her scarf on the floor, the towel on the chair, some messed up clothes in the corner.... She carelessly tossed everything in the suitcase and wore the first pair of jeans and T-shirt she could see. She put his oversized old T-shirt. She changed out of neatly on the other side of the bed.
"You could take this with you, you know..." he said. She hadn't realized that he was observing me all that time.
"It's yours..." She replied quietly.
"But you love to wear it at night. You can have it." His response.
"It's alright," She said and looked away.
She untied her hair, decided to take a quick shower then cancelled the idea. It was still dark in the room. She went into the bathroom to wash her face. A moment later, She came back quietly and started brushing her hair.
"Breakfast?" She looked at him who was still laying on his back staring at the ceiling.
"Yeah," he said after coming out of his thought process.
They looked at each other. He gave her a weak smile.
She came out into the kitchen, and poured him his favorite cereal. She did not have time to do anything elaborate. She heard the shower go off briefly before he walked into the kitchen with wet hair and dressed in jeans. On any other day, She would find him attractive, be a little mischievous, play with his wet hair, but that was not the day. Instead, she pointed to the table. He smiled. They sat down and quietly ate breakfast.
"Juice?" He finally broke the silence.
"I dont think we have any," She replied quietly.
"Oh, I suppose I would have to do grocery myself from now onwards."
"I suppose... but don't worry, you'll be fine, I trained you well," She said with a smile.
He laughed for the first time that morning.
After they were done eating, she took the dishes and washed them. As she was washing, he came up to her and hugged her from behind - putting his arms around her waist and his head on her shoulder as he usually did. she kissed his forehead - as I usually did.
When she was done, he let her go.
"I think I should head out now..." She said.
"Yeah," he replied and went into the bedroom to grab her suitcase. She took hold of the other bag and her purse while walking out of the apartment behind him. As she exited the building, she looked back at it, just soaking it all in with all the memories they made in and outside of this building. He had already put her suitcase in the car and was walking back towards her. She stood there watching him. He came up to her and tried taking the bag off her shoulder.
"I can carry this one myself, you have already spoilt me a lot, I need to get back in the habit of carrying everything myself..." she said with a smile.
He didn't reply. Instead he leaned in and kissed her. They kissed for a longer time before she gently pushed him back.
"I will see you around..." she said brushing his shoulder with her hand.
"You better" he replied.
She smiled and started walking towards the car. As she opened the driver's door, she turned around and waved at him before disappearing in the car - her face was naked with love. This was something they had never talked about - "Love". But she allowed him to take one clear look at it... It blazed from her. And then she left....
I actually found this quite interesting. Great story telling skills. I was actually hooked to this one. Bravo