A 6-year-old knocked on Santa's door a little after midnight.
She asked the elf who answered the door that she needs to see Santa immediately. When the elf told her that Santa was asleep, the girl insisted that he needs to wake him up because it was about her bike. The girl was upset but she looked so cute upset. Seeing that, the elf smiled and seated her in the living room while he went to get Santa.
Santa came downstairs after a little while, still sleepy and rubbing his eyes.
The little girl looked at him and crossed her arms. Upon seeing that she was annoyed, Santa sat down, smiled and asked her what was wrong.
"I wished for a bike. You never gave me a bike," she said.
"Oh," replied Santa. "Did you ask for a bike?"
"Yes," she replied.
"What did you get instead?" he asked.
"A Doll."
"Hmm, well lets see that must be a mistake," Santa got up to look at his list.
"What is your name little lady?" He asked.
"Emma.. Emma Millington," she replied.
"Hmm, Emma Millington," Santa repeated while going through his list.
The little girl look at Santa intensely hoping that he would find her name and tell her that he will get her the bike she wished for.
"Yep, there it is," Santa finally spoke, "Emma Millington - who wants a pink bike."
"Yes!, Yes!," she replied.
"But there is a reason why the Bike wasn't delivered to you," said Santa.
He paused for a moment then asked,
"Have you been a good girl or a bad girl?"
The excitement on her face grew into guilt.
"Umm... well.... its not like that...," she mumbled.
"Have you been a good girl or a bad girl?" he repeated.
She couldn't reply, or it looked like she did not want to answer the question.
"Everyone has to answer this question some time in their lives, dear child," Santa said softly.
She looked up to Santa. She wanted to say something but she couldn't.
"Its alright, you can take your time. But you have to answer that question to yourself and the sooner you do it, the sooner you will know why particular things happen to you in your life."
"Hmm... I see," replied the girl. She got up to leave.
Santa watched her leave and didn't say anything. But as she was about to get out of the door, he said,
"Emma... Think about it, but know that Santa believes in second chances."
She looked back at him and smiled.
nice !!