Friday, November 12, 2010


What is maturity after all? We hear people call someone mature/childish pretty often. So who defines what maturity is?
I think it is:
01.controlling (not supressing) your emotions
02.being able to prioritize things in life
03.knowing when to shut up and leave
04.knowing what are you doing and where you are going (most of the times)
04.ability to forgive
05.taking pleasure in giving sometimes rather than recieving all the time
06.ability to take a decision and stand by it
07.accepting failures and bouncing back
08.willingness to change something you don't like and to accept something you can't change
08.willingness to change your thoughts and not your basics (I donno whether to call them ethics or morals or principles or watever)

What do u think?



  1. They are part of maturity babdya....Understanding these features of life very well is itself a part of maturity.....glad that u understand them.....

  2. Hi.... My first reply to ur blog!! I kinda agree with Komal there that the points that uve written are a part of being mature. I think maturity changes with age. Somewhere in the near future when u get older and u read the above points, u may call urself immature for ever thinking these points in the first place. The reason is simple. What u think as immature/mature today may not always be the case in the future. For eg. A 10 year old kid might think that a 7 yr old kid playing with GIJOE toys may be immature. But dont forget that he too played with them at that age. So long story short......The concept of maturity/immaturity changes as u get wiser in life(not age!!). Cheers mate :)
