Wednesday, June 8, 2011

just.. a random thought...

Living in the city has its own charms. You get to see so many interesting aspects of life, and you don't even have to go out of the way to witness it. You just have to pay attention. Every day people have different expressions on their faces. Every day, they are having a day that's different from all the others, and so are you. Some days you just want to kill yourself while others make you feel alive like you have never been before. Every evening when you get out of work with so many others, you can tell how many people walking with you have a home to go to and how many don’t, and if you look closely you can tell which ones had a good day and who had a terrible one.

And on some footpaths nearby a garden, you see the most interesting things - especially in the mornings. Sometimes you hear them - like when someone is snoring, or when they are having a romantic conversation on the phone and they are trying to be discreet about it, Or when two friends are sitting together chit-chatting about meaningless stuff.

But my favorite has always been this one person - a man or a woman - on the bus in the mornings lost in their own little world. They smile to themselves from time to time. They look out the window, smile again a little, feel some fresh air, and will look around to see if anyone noticed. They are looking around, sometimes they stare right at me, but they don’t see me because they are actually not here. They are where they were the night before. Their puffy eyes show that they did not get enough sleep but that doesn't seem to bother them as much and the subtle smile on their faces will tell you that they will do it all over again if they had a chance - that sleep deprivation is the least of their worries. The light in their puffy eyes is so incredible as if the world looks so different to them, as if it is all new and they have a hard time believing it.

For months, I have been observing that. There is always this person in the bus I find in the mornings.
I smile and wonder about their yesterdays.

This morning, that person in the bus, was me.

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